主 演 Cast:Zac志祥, 陳浩嚴 Tan Hau Yan, 王凱利 Smyth Wong, 黎明Lai Weng, 林靜苗 Lim Ching Miau, 陳沛興 Rabbit Chen, 陳思頤 Cindy Chen , 林綠 Lynn Lim, 吴恒晨 Samuel Ngu
友情演出 : 蘇盈之Soo Wincci
特別演出 : 鐘健顯 James Chung, 湛愛鈴 Irene Tam, SLaP!樂團
導演 Directed By : 王凱旋 Bjarne Wong
主 演 Cast:Zac志祥, 陳浩嚴 Tan Hau Yan, 王凱利 Smyth Wong, 黎明Lai Weng, 林靜苗 Lim Ching Miau, 陳沛興 Rabbit Chen, 陳思頤 Cindy Chen , 林綠 Lynn Lim, 吴恒晨 Samuel Ngu
友情演出 : 蘇盈之Soo Wincci
特別演出 : 鐘健顯 James Chung, 湛愛鈴 Irene Tam, SLaP!樂團
導演 Directed By : 王凱旋 Bjarne Wong
(Zac 志祥 飾), 國豪 (王凱利 飾), 阿弟哥 (陳浩嚴 飾), 和Sam (吳恒晨 飾),
在機緣巧合之下成为一班好兄弟。因着國豪的影響, 他们染上了各样的惡習, 甚至是吸毒。有一晚, 他們一如往常的到國豪哥哥- 銘龍 (陳沛興 飾)
的夜店泡妞,喝酒, 同时吸毒。就在毒瘾飘飘然之中, 國豪与人發生冲突, 就動手打人。阿Boy 因着剛和女友 Mandy之間發生冲突情绪不穩定,
而一手就把對方打死了, 阿Sam也意外身亡。就在那一霎那, 三人發現鬧出人命, 局勢不妙, 趕緊逃離現場避難。因此他們選著了逃亡。
一手照顧阿弟哥長大的阿嫲 (黎明 飾), 因着阿弟哥的消失而十分着急。阿弟哥表姐 (林綠 飾) 也到處探聽他的消息。阿嫲每天都盼着阿弟哥的回来,
因着過度焦慮, 無法承受精神上的折騰而精神衰弱。而從小和阿Boy 在孤兒院長大的姐姐 (林静苗 飾),
也每天為他弟弟祈福。還有國龍也因着弟弟國豪在他夜店鬧事販毒而被警方拘捕,而銘龍的 太太林麗 (陳思頤 飾)她最後選擇離開。
逃難的 ”浪子” 們迷茫和慌張的時候,是否决定回去自首呢 ?或繼續过着逃亡的生活 ?在家里等着他们回来的家人和親人,是否能再与 ”浪子” 們重逢呢 ?或再一次的接受他們 ?
“ The Prodigal Son ” tells a story about four best friends brought together by fate. After the death of one of them, due to a fight they started in a bar under the influence of drugs and alcohol, the remaining three fled the scene to save their own skins. The incident has not only impacted the boys’ lives, but also to those they hold dear. As things start to escalate, the runaway boys now have the grave decision of whether they should choose to turn themselves in and plead themselves guilty; or choose to continue living life as a refugee. And for those who are home awaiting their return, will they be able to reconcile with the boys who have strayed ? Will they be able to truly accept them once more after everything that has happened ?
“ The Prodigal Son ” tells a story about four best friends brought together by fate. After the death of one of them, due to a fight they started in a bar under the influence of drugs and alcohol, the remaining three fled the scene to save their own skins. The incident has not only impacted the boys’ lives, but also to those they hold dear. As things start to escalate, the runaway boys now have the grave decision of whether they should choose to turn themselves in and plead themselves guilty; or choose to continue living life as a refugee. And for those who are home awaiting their return, will they be able to reconcile with the boys who have strayed ? Will they be able to truly accept them once more after everything that has happened ?
《浪子回家》將是採用數碼相機拍攝, 同時拍攝地點將在馬來西亞砂拉越首府古晉, 以帶出犀鳥之鄉與熱帶雨林的風光。
摘自Bjarne Wong